About me
Having also worked at a busy central London clinic and in a voluntary capacity in South West London, I have a number of years' experience as a psychotherapist working with adults (aged 18 and over). I also have experience working in large corporations offering time limited dynamic therapy.
Nicola Morton PGDip (Psych.), MBACP, BPC, FPC, UKCP reg.
I have undertaken extensive postgraduate training at the British Psychotherapy Foundation BPF (Formerly WPF) in central London, which is recognised as the leading psychotherapy training organisation in the UK, with a reputation for both clinical and academic excellence; and I also hold a postgraduate qualification in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy from the University of Roehampton, London.
I am registered with the following regulatory bodies and abide by their ethical code of conduct:
BPC British Psychoanalytic Council
MBACP British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy
UKCP United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy
FPC Foundation of Psychotherapy and Counselling